Who is Ajoke Joshua the daughter of Tb Joshua

Ajoke Joshua born 1995 age 28 years old is a Nigerian citizen, the daughter of the late Prophet TB Joshua. TB Joshua passed away on the 5th of June 2021 at the age of 57 years old, he was born in 1963.

Biography profile of Ajoke Joshua

Ajoke Joshua Biography
Image of Ajoke Joshua

Full name  : Ajoke Joshua

Gender  : Female

Age : 28 years old

Date of birth  : 1995

Place of  birth  : Lagos, Nigeria

Nationality  : Nigerian

Occupation  : Unknown

Known as  : The daughter of the late TB Joshua

Instagram  : Unknown

Facebook  : Unknown

Early life

Ajoke Joshua was born in 1995 in Lagos, Nigeria.  The exact date of birth is unknown at the moment . Ajoke is a daughter of the late Prophet TB Joshua but she was born outside his Wedlock.  Ajoke was raised by Evelyn Joshua widow from her childhood. She said she had  a happy childhood when she used to go holidays with Joshua family in beautiful places Dhubai. [1]

Education of Ajoke Joshua

No information is known about her educational background. It is unknown when and where she attended her primary and Secondary school .  Ajoke is willing to go back to school as her education was cut shot when she experienced abuse from her father. She didn’t even finished her studies we don’t know which level of education  did she reach. They suspended her from school and made her to join Disciples group at Lagos Scoan compound where she was taken to.

Career of Ajoke Joshua

It is unknown what exactly was Ajoke’s occupation we only know she was the daughter of TB Joshua. She spent most of her time at her father’s church listening to his preaching. Ajoke never worked she was staying at the church with her father’s disciples since she was made one of them.

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Ajoke Joshua’s abuse by TB Joshua her Father

Ajoke Joshua Biography
Image of Ajoke alongside TB Joshua

Ajoke was abused by her biological father from childhood.  They stopped her from going to school and made her join her father’s desciples who stayed at the church. She lived under a set of strict rules. They were not allowed to  sleep for more than few hours at time. They were not allowed to use their own phones,  or access their personal emails. Everyone in there was forced to call TB Joshua daddy.

The disciples acted like they were brainwashed because they couldn’t question anything but did anything based on the command. Ajoke didn’t follow the rules she refused to stand up when the pastor enters. She arrived at the age of seven there and  would get beaten for peeing in bed. She was forced to walk around  the compound telling everyone she peed. TB Joshua would tell people to beat her at the female side. [2]

Some follower said one day Ajoke overslept and Joshua shouted for her to raised her head. Anoda took her to the shower and whipped her  with an electrical cord and turned on the hot water. At the age of 17 she confronted her father why he was sexually abusing young women. Ajoke didn’t have much fear anymore as he saw many people living in the church for decades.

Ajoke didn’t change her mind even if the beat her several times. She was taken away from the rest of the church to her own one room for a year. It was a form of punishment to be scorned and was  called Adaba. She said she was beaten with belts and chain on daily basis. She couldn’t stand for days after the beatings. At the age of 19, six years before her father died she was escorted out of the church and told to  never come back. She said she became homeless as she couldn’t reach anyone to help her. Ajoke lived on the streets for many years without money. She manages to get out of the streets with the help of other disciples and friends.

How Ajoke published her story

Ajoke saw BBC Eye Africa Expose and she contacted them in 2019. She struggled with mental health but remained determined to tell the truth. BBC then started to do their investigations. They contacted Scoan with the allegations for the investigation. They didn’t respond and denied accusations against TB Joshua.

Making investigations about TB Joshua there was nothing new, none of the allegations was substantiated. Ajoke said she will defend everything to the end as long as she live. [3]

Personal life and Social media

It is unknown if Ajoke has husband or boyfriend and children. Nothing is known about her personal life. Whether she is living in Nigeria or not nothing is known about her lifestyle. They say she changed her names on social media for her to be safe. So we don’t know her name and the social media platforms she’s using

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