Who exactly is Sthandiwe Kgoroge Biography, age, education, career and personal life

Sthandiwe Kgoroge, a South African actor, was born Sithandiwe Msomi on February 4, 1972. He has acted in Generations, seasons 5 and 7 of MTV Shuga, the miniseries MTV Shuga Alone Together, and the first season of Yizo Yizo.

Biography profile of Sthandiwe Kgoroge

Sthandiwe Kgoroge Biography
Image of Sthandiwe Kgoroge

Full name  : Sthandiwe Msomi Kgoroge
Gender  : Female
Age : 51 years old
Date of birth  : 4 February 1972
Place of birth  : Pietermaritzburg, Kwazulu Natal province
Nationality  : South African
Occupation  : actress, creative director, creative artist and fashion designer
Twitter  : @sthandik1
Instagram  :

Early life of Sthandiwe

Sthandiwe was born on the 4th of February 1972 he is 51 years old.  She is from Pietermaritzburg, in Kwazulu natal province.   From the age of five to ten, Kgoroge lived in Edmonton, Canada. She received her education at the University of Natal and earned a degree in drama there. She has acknowledged that she had self-image issues before realising that her dark skin tone was ideal. [1]

Education of Sthandiwe Kgoroge

The actress was a student at Albini Girls High. She then travelled to the University of Natal to enrol in a theatre and sociology study. Sthandiwe is currently enrolled in school, but she is reluctant to share anything to prevent pressure. If she weren’t an actress, she would have been a researcher because she enjoys doing research. Visit Briefly.co.za for more information at 77085 Sthandiwe Msomi Sthandiwe Kgoroge Age Father Education Career Profile.

Career of Sthandiwe Kgoroge

In 1999, she played Zoe Cele in the first season of Yizo Yizo. For this role, she was honoured with an Avanti Award as the best supporting actress in a drama series. In Generations from 1999 to 2005, she portrayed twins. She played Aunt Nomalenga in MTV Shuga’s fifth season, and on April 20, 2020, she reprised the character for the miniseries MTV Shuga Alone Together, which focused on the COVID-19 pandemic’s issues. The characters in the series converse with one another about life during the lockdown. The mini-series will run for 60 nights and has “Every Woman Every Child” as one of its sponsors. Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, and Côte d’Ivoire are the settings for the series. The actors, including Lerato Walaza, Mamarumo Marokane, and Mohau Cele, undertake all of the filming themselves. [2]

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Personal life

Sthandiwe Kgoroge Biography
Image of Sthandiwe and her husband

Tony Kgoroge, an actor who goes by Sthandiwe or simply “Sta,” is her husband; together, they have kids. In 2018, when confronted with debt collection, he pleaded with people to disregard his and his wife’s Instagram accounts, claiming they were just “ordinary citizens.” He was in danger of losing money since some stations weren’t paying him for repeat fees. Sta serves the Lord and adores her church family.

Fashion Career of Sthandiwe Kgoroge

As someone who “always stays ahead of the curve,” Sthandiwe has been recycling and upcycling used and vintage clothing for many years. She founded The Vintage Market because she loves clothing with a compelling plot. She offers a variety of items, all in good shape, for independent-minded fashion lovers and keeps these clothes out of landfills in partnership with roughly twenty other vintage aficionados. “The only lesson my kids (my offspring) have taught me is that I am fantastic and entertaining. They believe I am very cool. They want me to come and welcome their friends when I drop them off at school dressed in my Simon and Mary hats and outfits that I have created,” she said.”In 2008, Five Roses funded the works of Mantsho (Palesa Mokubung), Hermanna Rush (Nicole Dersley and Jacqueline Corfield), and Miss Scarlet (Jacky Lucking). Additionally, well-known celebrities like Sthandiwe Kgoroge had their outfits designed by designers. [3]

TV shows

• 90 Plein Street – Season 3
• End Game – Season 1
• Fallen – Season 1
• Generations – Season 1
• Heartlines – Season 1
• Impilo: The Scam – Season 1
• Intersexions – Season 2
• Isidingo – Season 1
• Judge Thenjiwe Khambule – Season 2 • Lithapo – Season 1
• MTV Shuga – Season 5 (Down South)
• MTV Shuga – Season 7 (Down South 2) • Snitch – Season 2
• The Road – Season 1
• Yizo Yizo – Season 1


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