Who exactly is Mawande Mathe

Mawande Mathe is a South African actress, and Model born in 2003 and is popular known for Isono.

Biography profile of Mawande Mathe

Mawande Mathe Biography
Image of Mawande Mathe

Full name : Mawande Mathe
Gender : Female
Age : 20 years old
Date of birth : 2003
Place of birth : Unknown
Occupation : actress and Model
Facebook : Mawande Mathe
Instagram : @just-me-ididot
Known as : Young Jumima from Isono
Height : 1.62cm

Early life of Mawande Mathe

Mawande Mathe was born in 2003 date is Unknown and the place of birth is also Unknown at this moment. There is no much information about her background and family or Parents but as soon as we find the information will update you.

Education of Mawande Mathe

There is no information about her primary education but Mawande Mathe attended her Secondary school at Fourways High school. She then enrolled to University of Pretoria, Wits University.

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Career of Mawande Mathe

Mawande Mathe Biography
Image of Mawande aka Young Jumima from Isono

Nothing much is known about her career information but we know that Mawande is an actress and a Model. She is known for playing the supporting role of Young Jumima on BET’s Isono. Nothing much is known about her debut but will update as soon as we find more information.

Personal life and Height of Mawande Mathe

Mawande is actually single according to her relationship status on Facebook. She is fluent in Zulu language and English. She is 1.62 cm in height and her waist she wears 32 and shirt wears Xsmall.

Social media

Mawande Mathe have a Facebook and Instagram page. She not active on social media her Instagram post of last was on the 23 January 2022. She last posted on her Facebook page on the 14nth of January 2023. Maybe she’s active on Twitter or other apps.


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