Thato Dithebe Biography AKA Neo on House of Zwide

Thato, a South African actor and television personality born on November 22, 2000, is best known for playing Neo in the etv soap opera drama series House of Zwide.

Biography profile of Thato Dithebe

Thato Dithebe Biography
Image of Thato Dithebe

Full name : Thato Dithebe
Gender : Female
Age : 22 years old
Date of birth : 22 November 2000
Place of birth : Krugersdorp, Johannesburg, Gauteng province
Nationality : South African
Occupation : Actor and Television Personality
Instagram : @presidentthato

Early age of Thato Dithebe

On November 22, 2000, Thato was born. He was born in the South African province of Gauteng, in Krugersdorp. Since he was eight years old, Thato Dithebe, a young South African actor, has captivated the media. Some of his followers incorrectly think he is older due to the enormous successes this young actor has since achieved.

He was a presenter on a children’s program at that young age. After taking part in a Maggie 2-Minute Noodles Challenge search for presenters, he made his public debut. He was a YoTV team member before venturing into dancing, acting, and civil engineering, a field in which he is qualified. [1]

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Education of Thato Dithebe

Thato studied in Johannesburg’s primary and secondary schools. The Wits University of the Witwatersrand was his next stop. He pursued civil engineering studies there.

Thato’s personal life

Thato Dithebe Biography
Image of actor Thato Dithebe

About his personal life, not much is known. We don’t know for sure whether Thato is single or in a relationship because he doesn’t publish pictures of women on social media. About his family members as well, not much is known.

Career of Thato Dithebe

Since he was eight years old, the actor has been appearing on television; at that young age, he was a presenter on a children’s program. He made his public debut after taking part in a Maggie 2-Minute Noodles Challenge search for presenters. Before branching out into dance, acting, and the job he is qualified for civil engineering he was a member of the YoTV team. [2]

The role of Neo on House of Zwide

As Neo, Alex Khadzi’s design assistant, Dithebe has joined the House of Zwide cast. He works closely with the designer as the latter’s right-hand man on even the most evil of plans. Because of his loyalty even when he disagrees with his boss’s opinions, he keeps quiet Alex keeps him on the team. Neo recently believed that Neo was growing lazy and forgoing his plans to exact revenge against the Zwides, but he was in for a shock. When he discovered that Alex possessed Zanele’s nudes and was planning to make them public, he was definitely against the plan. However, he made no protests and allowed his employer to follow out his objectives. The company nonetheless managed to put on a fantastic concert despite failing.