Nomvelo Makhanya biography as Lindiwe on Scandal


Nomvelo Makhanya, born on 24 April 1996 (age – 25 years old), is a South African actress and singer well known for her starring role of Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal etv.

Biography Profile

Nomvelo Makhanya is Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal
Image of Nomvelo Makhanya is Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal.

Full name: Nomvelo Makhanya
Date of birth: 24 April 1996
Age: 25 years old
Place of birth: Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal
Occupation: Actress and Singer
Known as: Lindiwe Ngema from Scandal
Nationality: South African

Personal life of Nomvelo Makhanya

Nomvelo Makhanya is Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal
Nomvelo Makhanya is Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal

Nomvelo Makhanya is a 25-year-old South African actress and singer born on 24 April 1996. She was born and bred in Nkandla, KwaZulu Natal Province in South Africa. She started out as a singer but her parents adviced her to join acting and registered her at arts school.

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In 2016 at the age of 20 she was diagnosed with bipolar, depression and anxiety disorder. This made Nomvelo to become an outspoken advocate of mental health. In 2019, she, for the first time, spoke openly with Sowetan about her admission to a psychiatric hospital as a result of living with mental illness.

Who is Nomvelo Makhanya dating?

Nomvelo is one of those celebrities who do not hide their relationship status at all. In some few years back she used to date Mthiyane and she would post their pictures at vacations being happy. But her fans were saddened when she announced that they broke up.

In 2021 she was reported that she was dating another man which was her second relationship. And she was not ashamed to post her man on Instagram for the public to see.

One thing about me? I will love out loudly.” she wrote in her Instagram stories

At the moment she doesn’t seem like she is dating anyone but we will keep you posted if she starts to see someone. [ ¹]

Education of Nomvelo

Nomvelo attended her primary school and other secondary schools in Nkandla, KwaZulu Natal Province. After that he National School of Arts (NSA) in Braamfontein, Johannesburg under the guidance of her mother.

Acting career of Nomvelo Makhanya

Nomvelo Makhanya is Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal
Lindiwe Ngema on Scandal.

Nomvelo started acting in theatre plays while attending National School of Arts (NSA). She auditioned for Scandal when she was still doing grade 10 at NSA. But she wasn’t confident enough to join the etv series but a friend at school, a classmate, encouraged her to audition for the professional gig. [ ²]

This is because at NSA they used to audition for theatre productions or plays only. After auditions she was casted for Lindiwe Ngema, the daughter to Bab Ngema (by Patrick Mofokeng) and Zinzile Ngema (by Gcina Nkosi). Her role was supposed to show for three months but she has been on the show for 9 years now.

Apart from Scandal, Nomvelo appeared in theatre productions like ‘The Bald Prima Donn,’ ‘African Reflections,’ and ‘Maybe This Time’. She has other television roles on television serials such as Isibaya and Soul City.

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In 2021 she was casted for I Am All Girls as Ntombi Bapai played by Nomvelo with Hlubi Mboya and Leshego Molokwane. The film was set to appear on Friday on the 14th of May on Netflix. This was one of her biggest achievements in career. ³

“I recall auditioning for young Ntombizonke at Christa’s Studio back in 2018… I honestly had no idea that two and a half years later, this would be the consequence… This is all I’ve been hoping for, and then some. “Things’s honestly weird to see it play out like way,” she wrote.