Michael Mabizela biography, age, career and life history


Michael Mabizela was born on 9 January 1982. He is a 40-years-old South African actor best known for his role of Caiphus on Scandal etv. He did lot of Theatre work before appearing on international films such as Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and Primeval. Mabizela is the founding member of Twilight Theatre organisation in Alexandra Township

Biography Profile

Michael Mabizela is Caiphus on Scandal
Michael Mabizela is Caiphus on Scandal

Full name: Michael Mabizela Ka Zwane
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 9 June 1982
Age: 40 years old
Place of birth: Alexandra township, Gauteng Province in South Africa
Nationality: South African
Occupation: Actor
Known as: Caiphus on Scandal
Children: two
Height: 1.8m or 180cm
Languages: English, Sotho (Northern), Sotho (Southern), Tsonga, Xhosa, Zulu
Organization: Twilight Theatre Organisation

Personal life of Michael M

He was born and raised in Alexandra township, outside Johannesburg, Gauteng Province in South Africa. Mabizela is a multilingual speaker who can speak English, Northern and Southern Sotho, Tshonga, Xhosa and IsiZulu. He was blessed with two children in his life with his partner.

Education of Mabizela

He studied at Market Theatre Laboratory from 2001 to 2002 where he did his diploma in dramatic arts. After graduating he went to Swedan Stad Theatre in Stockholm, in a cultural exchange program to learn more about what he loves most which is arts.

Career of Michael Mabizela

Caiphus (Michael Mabizela), Gloria Legae (by Marjorie Langa) and Maletsatsi from Scandal
Image of Caiphus (Michael Mabizela), Gloria Legae (by Marjorie Langa) and Maletsatsi from Scandal.

Michael started his career in theatres under Victory Sinqoba Theatre Company whose director was the late Bongani Linda. His theatre work includes TRC Wasted Lives, Msomi Gang & Spoilers at National Arts Festival and Hayi Kabi Magenge. In 2001 to 2002, whilst studying at Market Theatre Laboratory, he did other theatre work such as The good woman of Setzuan, Shadows (in collaboration with an exchange group from England) and Betcha.

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After finishing all his studies, Michael proceeded with acting in theatres, he acted on Ghamchangani directed by Arthur Molepo, Mohope wa Mang and directed by Ntsieng Mokgolo, Shona mamillion by Thapelo Motloung and Mary the unfaithful woman by Julian Seleke. ¹

Apart from theatre he also appeared on television and international  ⅔hfilms. In 2013 he appeared as Mandela and Tambo’s Client on Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, a film based on the chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s life journey from his childhood until his inauguration as a president. In 2009 he played the role of Rra Banda on The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency episode 1 based on a woman who opens her own detective agency in Botswana. His other films include Primeval produced in 2007. He played lead on The adventures of a Supermama and he plays Caiphus on Scandal etv.

Other notable work of Michael Mabizela

Michael is the founding member of Twilight Theatre organisation in Alexandra Township, with shows like S.e.xes, Phelindaba street, A Day in Alex and Baby Shower, Perfect Couple. He also did lots of industrial work with companies like Rain Tree, Zinto Marketing and Blue Moon. He did commercials like Netstar, Vodacom, Nedbank, Sunlight 2 in 1, and Sony to name a few.

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