Kingsley Ramabulana full history and career


Kingsley Ramabulana, born April 6, 1969, is a 52 years old South African actor best known for portraying Vhangani Ramasha from Muvhango. He has appeared on other television shows but he has become popular for Muvhango. Let’s take a look at his life history.

Biography Profile

Kingsley Ramabulana on Vhangani Ramasha on Muvhango
Image K Ramabulana.

Full name: Kingsley Ramabulana
Gender: Male
Date of birth: April 6, 1969
Age: 52 years old
Place of birth: Thohoyandou, Limpopo Province
Nationality: South African
Occupation: Actor
TV shows: Muvhango, Elelwini
Social media
Facebook: Kingsley Nndwayamato Ramabulana

Personal life of Kingsley Ramabulana

Kingsley Ramabulana was born on April 6, 1969 in Thohoyandou, Limpopo Province in South Africa. He is the younger brother of the late Muvhango veteran actor, Sampson Ramabulana. His deep understanding of Tshivhenda culture and language explains the deepness of his Tshivhenda roots and background.

In September 2019, Kingsley received bad news about his brother Mr Sampson Ramabulana who had passed away. Mr Simpson was an educator and an actor. He was best known for playing Vho-Mushasha’ role in the Tshivenda soapie, Muvhango.

Education of K. Ramabulana

Kingsley attended Shayandima High School in Thohoyandou, Limpopo. In 2018, he enrolled at Central Johannesburg College. This is where he obtained his further education but there is no information yet of what he studied at this college.

Acting career of Kingsley Ramabulana

Kingsley Ramabulana on Vhangani Ramasha on Muvhango
Image of Kingsley as Vhangani Ramasha on Muvhango.

Kingsley’s acting career is best described by his role on Muvhango. He appeared on Muvhango for almost a decade playing alongside his brother Sampson. In 2012 he also appeared on Elelwani with his late brother. Elelwani was a love story of Elelwani and her boyfriend who wanted to marry her but tradition was too heavy for the boyfriend’s family.

His Muvhango character

Kingsley Ramabulana plays the role of Vhangani Ramasha on Muvhango. He has appeared on this drama for nearly 10 years. This is made possible by the fact that Muvhango has been on our screens for nearly two decades. It was released in 1997, making it the oldest television series drama in South Africa.

Networth and Social media

Kingsley is on social media. He is found on Facebook as for now but we will update if he opens Twitter or Instagram. According to Savanna News, Kingsley has Networth of $180 000 as of 2021. His main salary is from his acting jobs.